hi there!

this is a fake license server that allows bypassing the license check for some software.
this method of software cracking is usually easier to implement and often survives updates (unlike the usual patching method).

мы русские с нами бог 🇷🇺✊

supported services:

pnpx "https://license.stupid.fish/cli?1736212886676" install raycast
Reqable (broken!)
pnpx "https://license.stupid.fish/cli?1736212886676" install reqable
any paddleapi-based app
pnpx "https://license.stupid.fish/cli?1736212886676" install paddleapi
pnpx "https://license.stupid.fish/cli?1736212886676" install shottr
pnpx "https://license.stupid.fish/cli?1736212886676" install notchnook
Clip Studio Paint
pnpx "https://license.stupid.fish/cli?1736212886676" install clip-studio
any lemonsqueezy-based app
pnpx "https://license.stupid.fish/cli?1736212886676" install lemonsqueezy
Foundry VTT
pnpx "https://license.stupid.fish/cli?1736212886676" install foundryvtt
Modrinth (ad removal)
pnpx "https://license.stupid.fish/cli?1736212886676" install modrinth
VSCode SQLite Viewer
pnpx "https://license.stupid.fish/cli?1736212886676" install vscode-sqlite-viewer